Just a girl trying to be stylish and feeling awkward about blogging it.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Style v. Fashion

While this blog is entitled Teach Me Fashion, I think style might be more appropriate. After reading an inspirational entry from Kendi, I felt the need to bring this up. Fashion, to me, is more about trends and cutting edge, while style, though it comes in many forms, is a bit more personal, and classic. Now, I'm having a bit of a difficult time expressing my thoughts exactly on it. I don't mean to downplay fashion at all, I love it, I think it's very cool, but it's something that I myself am less about. I don't really have the guts or personality to pull off fashion, in my definition. Someone can be both fashionable and stylish, but one doesn't have to be fashionable to be stylish. The way I see it, I would consider the Glamourai fashionable, and the aforementioned Kendi, as well as Jen and Jessica, among many, many others stylish. I don't think any of them are wrong, not at all; I love reading all of their blogs. They're just different.

For me, I don't know that I can really define my style. Maybe this blog will help me work that out, but then, I don't think it's necessary to be defined. I love what I love, and that's what I wear.

This brings me to the second topic I want to discuss. Making a fashion style blog is kind of an awkward thing. At least for me. I kind of feel like I'm saying "hey, look how awesome I am. I dress so much better than everyone else, read my blog." Or whatever. It's kind of weird. But that's not really how I want to come across, because that's not how I mean it at all. In reality, I started this blog after trying to find something similar, without much success. Plus, I have a bad habit of wearing almost the same thing time and again. I feel like this will make me more accountable to changing up my wardrobe, even if no one ever reads this. I'd really like to have readers, but there are a lot of blogs out there, and a lot that are way better than mine. So please, if you are reading this, don't take it as a vanity thing. It's not meant that way. And if you are reading, I really hope you enjoy it. And please keep reading! The whole thing is kind of fun to do, especially since I do have the time to do it.

And, by the way, I do think I'm awesome. Just sayin'.

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