Just a girl trying to be stylish and feeling awkward about blogging it.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Two weeks later...

Omg! I can't believe I've been slacking so much! Oops. But, it's founded! As you may have read before, and therefore have probably deduced, I said my husband was coming home soon, and he did! He's been on leave for the past couple of weeks and it's been amazing. It's so nice to have him home. Unfortunately he had to go back to work today. But, oh well, that's part of life. Plus, I'm at school during the day anyway.

Speaking of! I started my pre-internship this past Friday. It was pretty exciting. I still want to teach, so that's good. Haha. Really, I didn't do anything, but I got to talk with the teacher, observe the classwork for the day, see some of his class-control tactics, all that kind of stuff. I was there for about 5 hours and it went pretty quickly. I'm going again this Friday. It makes me so excited to get further into my schooling, and then to begin my career.

So, I've had some good outfits over the last couple of weeks, BUT! I haven't taken any photos. So, I'll be trying to get in more photos soon. I did get a couple of my outfit this morning, but they'll have to wait because I just don't have time to post them now.

And, on a final, totally attention-seeking, note, I made the President's List at school over the summer semester!! So, I just have to keep that up over this semester!


Friday, September 17, 2010

How do you take your Friday?

I like my casual, with a side of awesome. Ok, since I don't yet actually do anything on Friday, besides maybe run errands, I don't always get fully dressed. Unless I am actually going out in public (walking the dog doesn't count. It doesn't). But, today I had to go do some grocery shopping and such, because I hate to do it on the actual weekend. And I'm seriously glad I went today, because places were relatively busy even early this afternoon. Anyway, this was OOTD. I'm really rather fond of it. My sister makes fun of my "old lady" shirt, but this is the same girl who wears athletic sneakers in public, like with regular outfits. And logo tees. Bleh. So, yeah. Anyway. I kind of like these jeans a lot lately, even if they are now too big, and bootcut rather than my beloved slim leg. (Ignore that I never get my pants hemmed and always end up cuffing them.) I didn't actually wear the blazer, it's still way too hot here, but I thought it would look good with the outfit, and I have to say, I rather liked the effect. Blazers make my feel like the cool kid, for some reason. Haven't figured that one out yet. I've also been waiting to wear these shoes for a couple of weeks, couldn't fit them into any of my outfits to my taste. Or, at least, had shoes I liked better with whatever I was wearing. But, I decided today was the day. I like 'em. I think I'll be wearing them to the Man's homecoming, too. No way I'm doing heels out there for a few hours, plus I want to go on the ship if I can. Heels so wouldn't cut it. 

I'll post later. Have a happy Constitution Day!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


So, as you know, if you've read, the Husband will be home very soon from deployment, so, of course, I've been putting a lot of thought into what to wear. It's led to the purchase of probably 6+ dresses. It's kind of ludicrous. Fortunately, the most I've paid for any of them was like $20. And most of them were more like $10. The joys of clearance. Up until yesterday-that is, for about 2 days prior- the black and blue dress was going to be The One. But. I was browsing what is possibly my favorite-store-ever yesterday, Target, and found the one I think I'm actually going to wear. 

This one. I love it, it's so pretty and comfy. I'll post photos after The Event, showing everything together. But, I have the whole thing planned out. Except that I'm still deciding between the above shirt and my new stand-by, the open green cardi. I'm leaning toward the cardigan. Whichever, it will be open, but belted. I need to wear one, because a. don't like how the really thin straps look on me, and b. more importantly, I'm obviously very fair and I burn very quickly and very badly. And we'll be outside for a few hours. One reason I'm leaning toward the green is that it's going to be hot and the blue shows sweat badly! It's seriously gross. 

Anyway, I'll hit you up later. 

I'm feeling lucky

Ok, this outfit is from a couple of days ago, I just got super lazy. I'm getting really annoyed with my cruddy point and shoot. Seriously, it's several years old and blows. I'm ready for better camera and photographer other than my tripod and self-timer. Of course, I did find my camcorder yesterday. That at least has a remote. But I didn't photograph today, since I'm a bum. 

Anyway, I kinda of was liking this outfit. I love this top. It's got really pretty embroidery on the neck. Next time I wear it, I'll shoot detail. I did wear it with the same open cardi from the day before, I just wasn't wearing it during photos. I will say, I'm seriously ready to have my long hair back. I miss it and I hate short hair. But that's a whole mess. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Casual Friday...err...Monday....Fronday


Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend! Did you do anything good? I went to my parents' a few hours away, for my Dad's birthday. It was a great weekend, the (almost) whole family was there. My husband excluded, of course. But it was great. I even got to see my sister Friday and yesterday, which rarely happens, as she works weekends. She's one of my very best friends, so it's always a pleasure to spend time with her. Until we start fighting, but that doesn't happen much, anymore. Probably due, in large part, to that we don't live together. Or that we grew up. Either way.
Ignore the stuff on the sides, apparently I have to fight with editing my photos.

Ok, so my intention was to start doing Casual Fridays, well, Friday. But, as above stated, I was OOT, and didn't blog. But Have this whole idea about doing CF outfits, since a lot of people have them. I thought it would be kind of fun. So, today's outfit is qualifying as my Casual Fronday (that would be Friday on Monday, of course) outfit. However, if I was teaching, the jeans would be changed out for ones that didn't have wholes in them. I'd either still do a boyfriend still (that fit! This pair does NOT!) or a slim fit, as that's my go-to and probable favorite. I'm also not really feeling this necklace with this outfit, but it was what I had at the time. I apologize for the cruddy photos. As you know, the Man is gone, and he has the nicer camera. So, when he's home, hopefully A. I'll be using that camera, and B. maybe he'll be taking them. Self portraits are really awkward, I think. But, I'm kind of that way, anyway, so maybe it's just me.
Details of the blouse. It's so pretty.
 What's really cool, is I got this open cardigan for like $7 at F21 the other day. Regular price. Sure, it's not as good of quality as some of the others I own, but it's ok. It's light, so great for hot days, like today, when I still want to wear one. And I love the color. Plus, it has POCKETS! I love pockets. The shoes I was wearing are pretty cute, too, but I forgot to lower my tripod so they could be photographed. Oh well, I'll try to remember tomorrow.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The missing hat.

Btw, I did go back and I got my hat. And then I stopped at TJMaxx and bought a couple pairs of flats. /blush.

Style v. Fashion

While this blog is entitled Teach Me Fashion, I think style might be more appropriate. After reading an inspirational entry from Kendi, I felt the need to bring this up. Fashion, to me, is more about trends and cutting edge, while style, though it comes in many forms, is a bit more personal, and classic. Now, I'm having a bit of a difficult time expressing my thoughts exactly on it. I don't mean to downplay fashion at all, I love it, I think it's very cool, but it's something that I myself am less about. I don't really have the guts or personality to pull off fashion, in my definition. Someone can be both fashionable and stylish, but one doesn't have to be fashionable to be stylish. The way I see it, I would consider the Glamourai fashionable, and the aforementioned Kendi, as well as Jen and Jessica, among many, many others stylish. I don't think any of them are wrong, not at all; I love reading all of their blogs. They're just different.

For me, I don't know that I can really define my style. Maybe this blog will help me work that out, but then, I don't think it's necessary to be defined. I love what I love, and that's what I wear.

This brings me to the second topic I want to discuss. Making a fashion style blog is kind of an awkward thing. At least for me. I kind of feel like I'm saying "hey, look how awesome I am. I dress so much better than everyone else, read my blog." Or whatever. It's kind of weird. But that's not really how I want to come across, because that's not how I mean it at all. In reality, I started this blog after trying to find something similar, without much success. Plus, I have a bad habit of wearing almost the same thing time and again. I feel like this will make me more accountable to changing up my wardrobe, even if no one ever reads this. I'd really like to have readers, but there are a lot of blogs out there, and a lot that are way better than mine. So please, if you are reading this, don't take it as a vanity thing. It's not meant that way. And if you are reading, I really hope you enjoy it. And please keep reading! The whole thing is kind of fun to do, especially since I do have the time to do it.

And, by the way, I do think I'm awesome. Just sayin'.